Blog Archive

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Day 40

Interesting week last week, poor Laura broke her hand surfing. : ( Been trying to keep her spirits up!

This past weekend she and I went to Henderson to hang out with Jabin and I got a bit of surfing in on Saturday. The waves were pretty big so I stayed close to shore and practiced standing up in the white water. On Sunday we had a lazy day and ate good food and cuddled with Hurley.

Last night was Laura and I's turn to make dinner for the flatmates.

My projects are coming along. I made it out to a fabric store and am getting more accustomed to the Shima knitting machine so I am starting to figure out my samples.

Here is my sketchbook so far for my Spring/Summer Activewear collection:

SS Sketchbook

Here is my sketchbook so far for my Autumn/Winter Activewear collection:

AW Sketch Book

This week is a study week for the Art and Design programs so I have no classes and can just focus on my projects so hopefully I will get a lot of work done!

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Day 31

Classes are continuing to go well, though I will admit I am having some trouble getting motivated. It's hard when every weekend there is surfing and hiking rock-climbing to do. Though technically speaking this can count as research for my collections, so lets just say that! And that's not to say I haven't been working.(just not up to my usual crazy standards.)

Here are some pictures of my illustration practice:

Now for the adventure of the weekend! On Friday me and three friends (Laura, Kamil and Jordan) rented a car and went East for a great surf day.


The shadow of me and the huge rock I'm standing on.

The waves were huge at the second beach we went to! I didn't go out because I knew I would be pummeled!

Yesterday I went to Henderson with Laura to see Jabin's surf shop and we all hung out and watched a ridiculous New Zealand horror movie about killer sheep, it was pretty awesome!

Now I'm going to head to school to hopefully make some leeway on my collections!

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Here are a few more photos from the surf weekend:

This is me about to get mauled by Hurley!

Hurley wanted to surf with us so I was helping him stand up so his head wouldn't be under water, such a cutie!

I managed to stand up a few times!

Me and the flatmates have been doing "family dinners" Lucky to live with such a great group of girls!

Here is my work space in the honors lab on the 7th floor of the Art & Design building:

Here are my working mood boards for the two collections I am designing this semester:

The view from the honors lab

Here are some photos from the knit lab on the 6th floor:

A few test swatches that I made as I get to learn the Shima knitting machine:

I will post more progress photos of my projects as the semester goes on. Now headed to my fashion illustration class!