Blog Archive

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


Here are a few more photos from the surf weekend:

This is me about to get mauled by Hurley!

Hurley wanted to surf with us so I was helping him stand up so his head wouldn't be under water, such a cutie!

I managed to stand up a few times!

Me and the flatmates have been doing "family dinners" Lucky to live with such a great group of girls!

Here is my work space in the honors lab on the 7th floor of the Art & Design building:

Here are my working mood boards for the two collections I am designing this semester:

The view from the honors lab

Here are some photos from the knit lab on the 6th floor:

A few test swatches that I made as I get to learn the Shima knitting machine:

I will post more progress photos of my projects as the semester goes on. Now headed to my fashion illustration class!

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