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Thursday, July 14, 2011

Day 9 - The Double Tu Meke!

First off I just have to say that the photos hardly capture how beautiful and intense today was, but I took a ton so I'll show them off anyways!

So today was another GOOT adventure, today's was called The Double Tu Meke. "Tu Meke" is the Mâori saying for "too much." So we did "two much" twice today! The trip consisted of two crazy hikes in the West Coast led by our two amazing guides Joe and Vix.

We started the day out by driving near Karekare Beach and taking a steep hike down to check out the black sand beach below.

Here's an idea of the pace that we kept up the entire day...

We had a great group for the trip! From left to right we have Me, Andy, Ryan, Chris, Jaclyn, Jackie, Casey, and Lance.

We then hiked the long way out from the beach which meant navigating along steep muddy paths, through deep pools, and of course up waterfalls...

Chris treating a waterfall as a slide...

We took a short lunch break to recover from our first trek, change into dry clothes, and prepare for the next leg of the adventure day.

Next we raced up what Joe claimed to be a short steep incline (steep it was but short not so much!) and then descended down what could only be described as a cliff! Luckily there were many plants, branches, and the occasional rope to help us on our descent. The cliff led us down to a lovely beach with sea caves for us to play around in.

We then made our way back up the cliff and finished with a muddy but comfortable walk back to the car.

In the end we all survived the Double Tu Meke!

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