Blog Archive

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Day 12

So today I'm taking a recovery day, I've been going non-stop all week day and night!

Yesterday a big group of us took the ferry across to Rangintoto Island to climb the volcano.

This is Laura, one of my awesome flatmates! She's from Germany near the border of Denmark. She surfs, kiteboards, windsurfs and does all kinds of other crazy stuff, I think we will have many exciting adventures!

The group!

Lunchtime atop the volcano!

I've lost count of the rainbows already!

We made it back to the ferry dock with two hours to spare when a different boat pulled up and Stephanie from Montreal went to investigate. It turned out the boat was a harbor cruise that people paid to go on that went from island to island. The captain said it was no problem if we all hopped on and he would get us back to Auckland! So we got to see more of the harbor and get back earlier than we would have, it's crazy how nice everyone is here!

Laura and I braved the top deck for a while though we gave in and went below once it started raining pretty hard.

The NZL 41 is one of the fastest sailboats in Auckland and it takes part in the America's Cup. You can pay to take rides on it.

Now it is time for me to do some homework and clean the flat up a bit. I have to get geared up for this upcoming week since school will be starting. Tomorrow I get to talk with my program director and figure out what classes I am taking, exciting!

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