Blog Archive

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Last Day in New Zealand!

Well I'm doing all of my last minute packing and preparing to head back to the US tomorrow! It's pretty funny because I will be traveling back in time. My flight leaves Auckland at 3:30pm on November 15th and I arrive in Sacramento at 10:20am on November 15th.

It's been hard saying goodbye to everyone, but I had a fun last few days and now I am ready to get back home!

The other night I went to this fascinating art show with some of my friends called Art in the Dark.
Here's the website!

It was a beautiful exhibit will all light up art pieces that were displayed in a park in the darkness. I took some fun abstract night photos there:

Here are a few more abstract night photos from a restaurant I ate at last night:

Then yesterday I finally made it to the zoo. I really wanted to see a real live kiwi bird before I left and yesterday I accomplished the mission! I was actually very impressed with the Auckland Zoo, there were much more animals than I thought there would be. I had a great time taking pictures!

Now back to packing, can't wait to see everyone back at home!

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