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Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Traveling/Day 1

My parents saw me off at 3:30 in the evening of July 4th, I flew from Sacramento to LA and had a 3 hour layover there. I had a lovely patriotic American fireworks display to see me off...

Then the 12.5 hour flight to Auckland.

Luckily I was able to sleep most of the flight so it went by very quickly. The bit of time I spent awake was pitch black over the ocean so the stars were incredible. I woke up in time to see the sun rise as we began our decent into Auckland.

I caught a shuttle to the school flats where I will be living and all went smoothly until I accidentally took the wrong suitcase out of the shuttle trailer. Woops! Luckily I was able to get a hold of the company and they sent the shuttle back so we could make the switch.

After the little baggage fiasco was taken care of I was able to get checked into my room. I somehow managed to score a room in a flat on the top floor (14th floor)! Our view is increeeeeedible!!




Here's the funky yet functional kitchen!


And my adorable little room!




There are 4 rooms in the flat but only one girl is here so far. Her name is Rhea and she is a journalism major from India who's already been here 6 months. She was a godsend and took me around today to pickup sheets, pillows, groceries and all the little things I needed to survive the first night. She took me down to a great view of the water and even had some wine stocked in the apartment.



It was a great first day and I've seen a total of 3 rainbows already today, I'm taking it as a good sign...
