Blog Archive

Monday, October 31, 2011

Final Project

Here is the main project that I have been working on all semester. This is the project that I will show at my North Face interview when I return home which will hopefully land me an internship, and if not I will be sending it out to other Sportswear companies like Patagonia and Columbia.

Paula Kidwell

Here are some photos of the knit swatches that I created that were used in the project.

"Musculature" Knit Panel:

"Fingerprint" Knit Panel:

"Musculature" Knit Swatches:

"Fingerprint" Knit Swatches:

Sunday, October 30, 2011

Happy Halloween!

I decided while abroad it would be fun to don a very patriotic and classic American costume.

So Roise the Riveter it is!

Have a safe and Happy Halloween everyone!

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Done with classes!

Today was my last college class ever! (Unless I decide to go back and get a masters, but we shall see how that whole "getting a job" thing goes)
Technically I finished my degree online a few months back and my diploma has already arrived at my parents house in Sacramento, but I still wanted to do well in the extra classes that I have been doing here.

Today I turned in my final project for my digital textiles class. The project for this class was really exciting because we presented our designs to the local New Zealand textile company Charles Parsons. The company then chose a few designs from each of us that they are going to market to real companies, and if there is interest in the design it will be printed commercially and we will receive $400 NZD for the design!

Here is the project that I presented:
(The company chose the designs called Marbled Decadence and Stoney Disposition)

Paula Kidwell

Now all that I have left to complete is my activewear design project that I have been working on all semester. This is the project that I will be presenting to The North Face when I return home. I have been in contact with them since graduation and hopefully will be able to score an internship. (FINGERS CROSSED!) I am practically finished with the project, it is just a matter of finishing the final layout details, printing, and assembling it.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Active Girl

One thing that's been great about having a calmer school schedule is that I've been able to keep in great shape! Between all of the hiking and surf trips I've kept busy at the school gym which is right across the street. This week I finally made it rock climbing and this evening I did a 5k run with the Auckland Nike Running Club. I'm always so much happier when I can keep active!

Already thinking about resolutions for the new year, I really hope to do a lot more rock climbing and running : )

Monday, October 24, 2011

Last Week of Classes!

Well I just handed in my first final project! It's hard to believe it is already the last week of classes. Today I finished up my screen-printing textiles class.

Here is the workbook that I turned in for the class:

Final Project

These are the prints that I handed in today:

Sunday, October 23, 2011


One really special thing about studying in New Zealand when I am is that over the past few months the Rugby World Cup has been hosted here. Auckland has been filled with rugby fans from all over the world here to enjoy the cup. Last night was the final and luckily New Zealand's team the All Blacks won the cup!! It was really exciting to celebrate along with the entire country!

I've been following the cup on television while I've been here and have slowly learned the rules. I was super lucky and managed to make it to three live games. I got to see South Africa play Namibia, Samoa play Fiji, and Wales play France. The games were all so much fun!!

Here are some photos from the games:

The wave!!

It was raining during the Samoa Fiji game, which just added to the excitement!

It is so much fun seeing all of the die-hard fans!

The Wales vs. France game was one of the semifinal games so it was particularly packed and exciting.

The New Zealand Army marching band played before the game and they performed the All Blacks ritual haka that they do before each game.

It's been really fun learning about rugby and am now proud to call myself a huge fan of the sport!

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

End of the Semester Approaching...

Can't believe next week is already the last week of school!
I'm putting all the finishing touches on my projects. I'll be sure to post the digital versions on here.

Here is the book that I will be turning in as my Fashion Illustration Portfolio for the semester:

Fashion Illustration Portfolio

Week Two of Semester Break

Once we made it back from Samoa I took off the next morning with three Americans that I met here. We flew to Queenstown in the South Island and spent a week driving back up to Auckland. We found out that they often need cars brought from Queenstown to Auckland so we were able to get the car for free so long as we got the car back in 7 days, and payed for gas and out ferry crossing. It was an absolutely amazing week! I seriously could have spent a month touring the South Island. The Lord of the Rings films will never be the same no that I recognize almost all of the landscape. : )

Here is a slideshow of some of the best photos from the trip:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Samoa Photos

The first week of semester break I traveled to Samoa with a group of international students I met here in the student apartments! I have seriously never seen water that blue in my life! We stayed in fales on the beach which are essentially raised platforms with thatched roofs and tarps for walls. We were a lively group and were lucky to get very close with the staff. The most exciting night was when there was an earthquake out at sea and we were evacuated at 1am because there was a chance of a tsunami. (the place we stayed at was completely destroyed two years early by a tsunami)

Here's a slideshow of some of the best photos:

Day 93

Wow I haven't posted in ages! Things got very very busy!

Since I last posted I've been to two world cup rugby games, spent a week in Samoa and a week in the South Island, visited Hobbiton, and have been working my butt off at school. I can't believe I only have six weeks left here, time has really flown by!

I'll put up a few posts shortly with a ton of pictures from the past 53 days.