Blog Archive

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Day 18 -- Bungee Jump and Ambury Farm

Today Laura and I decided that it would be a great idea to go jump off of the Auckland Harbor Bridge. Why not, right?

We got picked up in a bus at the Maritime Museum and then were taken to the bungee jump headquarters right by the bridge to get all geared up.

They marked out weights on our hands, I'm 69 kilos!

There were about 5 or 6 of us jumping and Laura was up second.

Laura's swimmer's stance leap off of the platform was very impressive!

Laura down below...

My turn!

I really wasn't scared until my toes were hanging over the platform, but at that point there is no turning back!

Too much fun!!

To calm down after the craziness of jumping off of a bridge we caught a bus and rode about 40 minutes out to Ambury Farm and hung out with some animals and enjoyed the serenity of the countryside.

It's family season so there were baby animals all over the place!

Why hello sheep...

Ooo I just love you!

"Hug a sheep" goal achieved today

Now that we've bungee jumped once we can do our next jump at a high discount, I think next time I might go off backwards...

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