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Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Oh Internet...

I'm currently working on really pulling together my portfolio, branding, website, and everything else that comes along with those things.

The more I talk with my friends who are working professionals in various design industries and the more that I think and ponder upon it I realize how truly important our online presence is these days. As far as most artists are concerned, to truly be recognized in the modern world we must have a strong online presence. This means having up to date website and blogs and keeping active on sites like twitter and facebook. It's so odd to think back to when I made my first myspace and was making tripod websites for the pretend Elvish languages my friends and I would make up. If someone had told me then that someday spending hours at a time on the internet making sure that the page, profile, or site that I was trying to get to perfectly reflect myself and who I am, could someday play a key role in finding a job, I'm not sure I would have believed them. Though of course at that time in my life the concept of a job was limited to a dream of being an employee of Hot Topic so I could get discounts on black clothing.

I'm glad that my dreams have expanded, now it is time to make sure that my online presence reflects that. I have the content for a great portfolio now my goal over the next few weeks is to make sure that the presentation of that work is up to a standard that will make me proud to show it to the companies that I respect and hope to work for.