Blog Archive

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Surfing Weekend Get-Away!

I had an amazing weekend of surfing and camping with my friends, Laura, Stephanie, Kamil and Jabin!

Jabin picked us up at 4am on Saturday morning and we headed out about 4 hours to Shipwreck Bay.

The sunrise along the drive

Jabin driving over rocks and through water to get us to the best surf spot!

Jabin's awesome dog Hurley chilling in the "boot" of the car

Surf time! I don't have any shots from the actual surfing but Jabin got a bunch so hopefully I can get some from him to post. I managed to stand up a few times but didn't stay standing for long. Hopefully I can get some longer rides next time!

After surfing Jain took us around to show off some other beautiful beaches and great surf sites.

What was supposed to be our dinner for the night before Hurley got to it, woops!

We drove back to the beach to set up camp just as the sun was setting!

I wish I had been able to capture how incredible the stars were that night!

There was a giant sand dune overlooking the beach that we raced up to get nice and warm before our second day of surfing.

Hurley interrupted Jabin's explanation of how the waves worked in this bay

After surfing we packed up the car and checked out some other stunning sites as we made our way back to the city.

Rainbow over "nipple mountain"

Now it's time to rest up and get ready for week 3 of school tomorrow, hopefully I will dream of my next surfing adventure!

Friday, July 29, 2011

Day 24

Wow, can't believe I've almost been here a month! School is going well, will post soon photos of the labs and the work I am doing.

Today was my friend Vanessa's 21st birthday so a few of us to the ferry again and spent the day at Waiheke Island.

I got a bit artsy-fartsy with some photographs...

Tomorrow I'm headed off at 4am for a surf weekend with some friends, can't wait!