Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

6 days...

Moving to New Zealand in 6 days, wow!

All the packing I've managed to do so far...

But it's almost time to begin the packing rampage! I don't feel like I can't pack too soon since then I'll just be living out of my suitcase and muck everything up before I actually leave. It's been hard to keep myself from packing way in advanced but I've kept distracted with lots of sleeping, movies, and a bike ride here and there.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

"Global Weirding"

The strange "summer" weather we've been having in Sacramento...

I'm hoping for some sunshine so I can ride my bicycle.

The End of One Thing, The Beginning of Another...

Well, I've graduated from the Academy of Art in San Francisco!

Strange how it feels as though I started yesterday and as though I've been there half my life, alas I think that's how we all feel. Regardless it is exciting to be moving on!

Now for a relaxing June in Sacramento and then off to New Zealand in July! It still hasn't sunk in that I'll be moving across the globe. I feel like it's just something I have made up to tell people that I'm actually doing something after college. But nope, I'm really going. Which reminds me I should start packing soon...